Lynne Norton was a good, humble and Christian woman. Lynne’s professional art career started in 1988 and she continued with her studio praxis until her death in November 2020. Norton’s artworks were collected internationally and within Australian museums, galleries and private collections nationally. She was also a regular exhibitor with the Wild Swans Art Group from Western Australia from 2016; this group has exhibited throughout Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi.
As a
fellow artist I always admired Lynne’s passion and commitment to her artistic
praxis. It was always great to visit her studio and see the latest artworks and
talk over coffee with her over nearly four decades about art. Such informative
and wonderful conversations with fellow artists are one of the great things
about being an artist and it is the support from people such as Lynne that
keeps you going and for that I am very appreciative.
was the daughter of the Artists Frank and Audrey Norton
in Peace