Saturday 25 April 2020

TMT Exhibition (Texture, Marks and Traces) a Covaid-19 period internet exhibition

Kevin Robertson

Currently showing at 2 Dogs Art Space, Akashi, Japan is the new TMT exhibition with artworks from the early Edo by an unknown artist and late Edo period woodblock prints by Kunisada I and II - plus Sadaharu Horio's performance painting along with artists from Western Australia being Melissa Nolan McDougall, John Cullinane, Duncan McKay, Lynne Norton, Michael Doherty, Shelley Cowper, Michelle Green-Bourne, Kevin Robertson, Caspar Fairhall, Diokno Pasilan, Cynthia Ellis, Louis Moncrieff, Pippa Tandy, Ken Wadrop, Sally Douglas, Monique Tippett, Jurek Wybraniec and Sally Douglas

Monique Tippett

This TMT exhibition (texture, marks and traces) whether they be made from oil, acrylic, water colour or pencil etc..., it does not matter, what this show hopes to exhibit is the variety of TMT that has been achieved so far by these aforementioned artists.

Melissa Nolan McDougall

Sally Douglas

Shelley Cowper

Early Edo Period Japan artist unknown

Caspar Fairhall

Diokno Pasilin (top)

Michelle Green-Bourne

Michael Doherty

Duncan Mckay

Sadaharu Horio (left)     Jurek Wybraniec

Kunisada I  

Connie Petrillo  

Kunisada II

Lynne Norton

Pippa Tandy 

Ken Wadrop

Louis Moncrieff

Cynthia Ellis