Saturday 7 March 2020

Peter Davidson - Plum Omomuki Paintings Rinako Inoue - Ikebana - Runa Gallery Kobe Japan

Omomuki Painting
(warm feeling)


Omomuki is a Japanese word meaning warm feeling when observing something that makes you feel happy in the landscape.

This series of artworks of the seductive and beautiful Japanese plum blossoms were constructed in the late winter in my Akashi studio, the memories are from around Akashi/Kansai ports, throughout the heavy/light industries, densely populated apartment/housing areas with its intermittent crammed rice paddies in the valleys between.

This recent experimental installation/collaboration between the Ikebana artist Rinako Inoue and my paintings at the Runa Gallery eventuated due to a conversation I had with a Japanese lady, for she related to me;

That in olden times before the Tokugawa period on walls of a castle various animals were rendered in sumi – e (Japanese ink painting) and one image was that of a monkey. And during those bygone times large flower arrangements would be placed within the building and the audience could walk around it and view it from various positions. In some of these views one could see the painted monkey on the wall looking back at them through the flower display.

This aforementioned historical sensation of the sumi - e monkey peering back through the freshly arranged flowers appealed to me, but in this exhibition, there is no wildlife only the hard/heavy industry terrains of Japan with its heavily populated areas of small houses and apartments, along with intermittent rice paddies around the Akashi region, along with the occasional ume (plum) in bloom on the very cold days at the end of Japanese winter, which when sighted always gives me this warm feeling (Omomuki).

These areas of industrial, fishing, farming environments around my studio in Akashi are not what one might called traditionally picturesque but they're to me, it is where my studio is located and it’s always a great joy to walk along and see the floral slices ume trees of what I consider great beauty.

I like the ume flower it doesn’t bloom so majestically like the cherry blossoms of Japan but it still has this unique aesthetic that I enjoy and want to paint, no matter where it situated in Akashi or surrounding terrains.  

This exhibition is my first collaborative attempt at portraying these ume flower sensations from Akashi with a ikebana artist, here are some of the results, which I can build on in the future, as currently I am thinking maybe a bigger installation both in painting and flower arrangement but  for now please enjoy these images, thank you