Wednesday 23 December 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Sumiyoshi Shrine Park 

To All our supporters, artists and friends’ thanks very much for the year, 2 Dogs Arts Space will continue next year via the internet, until it is safe enough to invite you back to see the exhibitions first hand.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas and have a safe and prosperous New Year


Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Xmas Forensic Praxis exhibition by The Wild Swans Art Group and friends from Western Australia

Michael Doherty, Kevin Robertson, Pippa Tandy, Chelle Bourne, Shelley Cowper, Cynthia Ellis, Monique Tippett, Caspar Fairhall, Duncan McKay, John Cullinane, Ron Nyisztor, Louis Moncrieff, Jurek Wybraniec, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Diokno Pasilan, Connie Petrillo, Ken Wadrop, Sally Douglas Caspar Fairhall and Linda Fardoe 

Merry Christmas to all of the 2 Dogs Art Space supporters especially in these trying times in Japan, let’s hope it’s a happy and safe new year to all of you

This is a different internet exhibition in the 3rd surge of the  Covid - 19 period in Japan by the Wild Swans Art Group and friends from Western Australia, due to the forensic focus on the artistic praxis by the aforementioned artist's artworks..   

 Names will not be attributed to the artworks I will leave that for your research if you so wish to do, the best way to achieve that is by going to the Wild Swans Art Groups blog on this link below.


Thank you have a safe


Happy Christmas   


the 2 Dogs and me  


Monday 30 November 2020

In Memory of Lynne Norton Artist 1950 - 2020


Lynne Norton was a good, humble and Christian woman. Lynne’s professional art career started in 1988 and she continued with her studio praxis until her death in November 2020.  Norton’s artworks were collected internationally and within Australian museums, galleries and private collections nationally. She was also a regular exhibitor with the Wild Swans Art Group from Western Australia from 2016; this group has exhibited throughout Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Australia and 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi.

As a fellow artist I always admired Lynne’s passion and commitment to her artistic praxis. It was always great to visit her studio and see the latest artworks and talk over coffee with her over nearly four decades about art. Such informative and wonderful conversations with fellow artists are one of the great things about being an artist and it is the support from people such as Lynne that keeps you going and for that I am very appreciative.

 Please enjoy this series of screen prints on Dancers by Lynne

Lynne was the daughter of the Artists Frank and Audrey Norton


Rest in Peace


Peter Davidson

Friday 2 October 2020

Kyoto - The Bamboo Forest studio project no 1.

Kyoto Bamboo Forest
studio praxis acrylic on paper

This is part one of the project which started before the Covid period last year in 2019. Now the painting praxis is proceeding in isolation during the Covid 19 period of 2020.  The delay in painting the bamboo forest is very interesting because my memory shifts and things change in the studio praxis, like the white clouds of autumn when the air is dry become more visually striking  seen against the very blue sky and through the stunning array of greens in summer.

Peter Davidson 


Monday 28 September 2020

Six Women Artist Autumn Exhibition - Pippa Tandy, Lynn Norton, Connie Petrillo, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Chelle Bourne, Cynthia Ellis and Shelley Cowper

left to right
Pippa Tandy, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Connie Petrillo, Cynthia Ellis(top), Lynn Norton (bottom)
Shelley Cowper (top) and Chelle Bourne (bottom)

The Japanese Autumn is now with us and it is the most beautiful time of the year, unfortunately the Corona Virus is also still with us for some time yet one might suggest, so in the meantime 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi will continue to put on exhibitions by Western Australian artists.


The gallery will not be open to the general public until there is a vaccine for this virus but there will be smaller but more frequent exhibitions for our internet audiences to enjoy, thank you for your time and patience.

Pippa Tandy, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Connie Petrillo

Chelle Bourne

Shelly Cowper


The beginning of the Japanese autumn

Friday 28 August 2020

Small exhibition Covid 19 period - Sadaharu Horio, Sally Douglas, Louis Moncrieff and Jurek Wybraniec


Sadaharu Horio (top  left), Sally Douglas (bottom left), Louis Moncrieff and Jurek Wybraniec

Due to the current pandemic 2 Dogs Art Space – Akashi continues to have small exhibitions via the internet for your education and safety. This small show of idiosyncratic artists presents an array of interesting surfaces qualities through various mediums.

Sandaharu Horio Artwork 2006

For example, Sandaharu Horio's painting performance piece(above) was created by him placing many sheets of A4 paper on the ground floor of a building, from the floor above dipping a ball in a stocking in differing colours of acrylic paint and bouncing the ball on the paper (as remembered). 

Poppy Illusion Sally Douglas

The above watercolour by Sally Douglas titled; Poppy Illusion exhibits her scintillating ability to apply paint traces from her forensic observations of nature within her studio praxis, thus creating a meditative quality with her artworks.

Artwork by Louis Moncrieff  2019

Artwork by Jurek Wybraniec 

Louis Moncrieff and Jurek Wybraniec present differing systems of painting by applying thick/thin applications of paint on very different surfaces. For instance,  Moncrieff’s painting surface is a piece of thick, dense, and heavy Western Australian Jarrah wood, whilst Wybraniec paints on thin A4 paper, overlaid with slighter thicker cardboard.  

Please enjoy this small but interesting exhibition.

Thank you