Saturday 9 July 2022

Small solo exhibition by Western Australian watercolourist Sally Douglas

This small solo exhibition at 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi presents the Western Australian painter Sally Douglas whose studio praxis is located in the northern coastal suburbs of Perth. Sally Douglas was born in London, UK and has lived in Western Australia for many years.
Sally Douglas has been a professional artist since 1986. She has been influenced by eastern art as well as European watercolour and egg tempera painting. Underlying all her work is her love of watching and being in nature and emphasising its preciousness.


36 cm wide x 54 cm high

Within these selected works on show it’s obvious to see Douglas’s sensibility in watercolour through her daring liminal applications of tinted mixed coloured water traces placed with outstanding confidence from sable brushes onto paper that creates the desired forms within the completed image.


 size 37cm wide x 28cm high

Douglas exhibits watercolour painting at its very best. For example, in her watercolour titled ‘Prey' there is an owl on the hunt at that fleeting time when day turns into night, where human sight loses its clarity due to the approaching nocturne. This can be seen in the surrounding bush as its hues, tones and contrast have started merging together. Here the owl’s vision has been enhanced, as it is a creature of the night and powerfully flies towards its intended target.

In ‘Prey' Douglas has produced some highly observed brush traces on paper of the fleeting light. The camouflage for the owl within the onset of darkness gives the birds flight a surety towards its anticipated feed Douglas’s praxis reveals her wonderful receptivity to the natural world in watercolour painting. Please enjoy this small exhibition.

Scarlet Flower (Ophelia)

Watercolour  and ink
55 cm wide x 36 cm high


size 26 cm wide x 36 cm high


watercolour and gouache,

 size 28 cm wide x 20 cm high


Delicious Autumn, 

watercolour and coloured pencil, 
size 36 cm wide x 54 cm high

All images courtesy of the artist and her help in this exhibition 

2 Dogs Art Space Akashi remains closed due to the ongoing pandemic 
thankyou for your continued support via the internet