Monday 28 September 2020

Six Women Artist Autumn Exhibition - Pippa Tandy, Lynn Norton, Connie Petrillo, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Chelle Bourne, Cynthia Ellis and Shelley Cowper

left to right
Pippa Tandy, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Connie Petrillo, Cynthia Ellis(top), Lynn Norton (bottom)
Shelley Cowper (top) and Chelle Bourne (bottom)

The Japanese Autumn is now with us and it is the most beautiful time of the year, unfortunately the Corona Virus is also still with us for some time yet one might suggest, so in the meantime 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi will continue to put on exhibitions by Western Australian artists.


The gallery will not be open to the general public until there is a vaccine for this virus but there will be smaller but more frequent exhibitions for our internet audiences to enjoy, thank you for your time and patience.

Pippa Tandy, Melissa Nolan McDougall, Connie Petrillo

Chelle Bourne

Shelly Cowper


The beginning of the Japanese autumn