Monday 8 April 2019

Two Dogs Art Space Akashi アートスペース明石

Two Dogs Art Space Akashi 

Peter Davidson

Amorphous Shape


Maquettes - Drawings
マケット(粘土模型)- デッサン

 I like this body of work a lot... on the one hand very “classically academic” but also powerfully conceptual

Facebook comment by Dr Duncan Mckay artist /writer

I reject your gaze that considers me ugly.

As there is no such thing and beauty is an independent sensation not a collective measure. ”美しいものなど存在しません、とはただ個人の感覚であって、普遍的なものさしではないのですから。

Some of the supporters on the first weekend 

Tuesday 2 April 2019

My painting donated to the Hospital has been placed .

After three years of painting it was put on the wall so patients recovering from all sorts of ailments have pleasant space in which to do so. Painting this size is not easy there is a lot of aesthetic problems to be overcome, such as balancing the hues, tones and contrasts across a large area, many thanks to the Doctor and the hospital for allowing me to paint such an ambitious image.