Saturday 7 October 2017

The Autumn Exhibition

The Autumn Exhibition at 2 Dogs Art Space

On show now October the 8th to 4th of November

Open Sunday 1-3pm

New Opening times to be advised 

Jennifer Lim
Singapore /Australian
Printmaker (Peranakan)

This current show brings together a diverse group of outstanding artists exhibiting a disparate range of ideas from within their studio praxis. For example, in the above image there is the wood block print by Jennifer Lim who is currently researching her Singaporean Peranakan family history and as much of it has been built over due to the massive development within Singapore over time, there is limited sporadic remains to be seen being Peranankan ceramic tiles in some areas still attached to the  colonial buildings, these designs inspire her woodblock prints.

Ken Wadrop
Western Australian Painter

Imaginary Landscape
(From all the walking) 

Ken Wadrop is an outstanding painter based in South Fremantle, Western Australia who is currently experimenting in Plein Air painting on small rectangular wooden boards, directly observed from the nature on Rottnest Island (a small piece of land nineteen kilometres west from Fremantle). These two paintings above by Wadrop with their scintillating applied paint traces have a vitality and freshness of paint applications that remind one of Camille Corot’s small early Italian paintings.

There are very few painters in Australia that have a command of painting the structure of the coastal landscape that Wadrop has achieved with this series of artworks, he also acknowledges the Aboriginal deaths in custody in this body of work but that will be seen in an installation at the Earlywork Gallery in South Fremantle in the near future.

Melissa Nolan Mc Dougall
Western Australia/New Zealand

Melissa Nolan Mc Dougall  drawings remind one of Francisco Goya's dark etchings but  Goya's art is not dark but a path of illumination, it allows you to observe, make choices often without collective memories to influence the choice, its hardly dark. 

Similarly McDougall's drawings give the audience the chance to engage in objects that have a kind of taboo placed upon like the skull as it appears to be often associated with darkness. But here McDougall brings an observed sobriety allowing the audience to see the beauty in the living and the dead.

Sally Douglas
Water Colourist
Western Australian

Sally Douglas must be one of the best watercolorists in Australia she is outstanding, her research into organic forms around her house in the northern coastal suburbs of Perth is mesmerizing as two of the artworks in this show stand testament too!

Ron Nyisztor
Western Australia

Ron Nyisztor runs Nyisztor Studios Melville a major art space in Perth Western Australia, he is also one of the more prominent painters within that community, his passion and commitment to art praxis not only for himself but for the community is exemplary.