Thursday 4 May 2017

Gutai meets Western Australia a Friendship - Coming in May at 2 Dogs Art Space - Akashi

Sadaharu Horio's New Year Ram at Peter Davidson's Western Australian Landscapes at the Horikawa Gallery in Kobe 2015

Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia are sister states and for some time now artists from each region have been performing, exhibiting and engaging each other and this appears to be ongoing.

It doesn't matter whether Gutai and Western Australian artists view each others aesthetic ideas at a distance, either from Perth or Kobe in Japan. What is important from these aforementioned encounters between the artists is there appears to be a growing spirit of collaboration.

2006 Sadaharu Horio' performance at a Gallery in China Town and talking with Tomoko Yamada many thanks for Tomoko for her generous translation

The origins of the relationship between Gutai and Western Australia most likely go back to 2006 with a meeting between myself  with Tomoko Yamada (who translated the discussion) at Sadaharu Horio’s performance in a China Town Gallery in Kobe, (as Horio is a original Gutai member). 

Tomoko Yamada knew of Horio because of his canteen installation at the local Kobe shipyards that they both worked in, so she struck up a conversation with him, that was my introduction to Gutai, before that he had never heard of them but it now appears to have become something special  to Western Australians. 

Chiyu Uemae at Gallery Shimada 2006

The next introduction was to another Gutai member was Chiyu Uemae at a major exhibition of his at Gallery Shimada and Uemae's painting was important to him, especially his surface qualities and on the same night Horio was doing a performance, so it was a very rich introductio for him to see such first class artists and there artworks/performances in one night.

A Piece of Horio's performance at Gallery Shimada October 2006

The performance consisted of many sheets of A4 paper been place in rows on the ground floor and then being painted from the floor above the gallery through Horio dipping the elastic material with ball or sock at the bottom  into paint and bouncing it onto the paper (as Davidson remembers)

In 2012 Diokno Pasilin, Martine Heine, Monique Tippett, Pippa Tandy, David Bromfield, Patrizia Tonello Janis Nedela and  Peter Davidson this was a well received exhibition and it was when Horio meet Martin Heine two very good performance artists. 

Horio and Martin got on well even with the language translation difficulties so much so that a performance was organised for both of them at Atelier 21 (above invite) which was a highly successful night. Horio in conversation he told me that Martin was a world class performance artist.

The successful performance night between Horio and Martin can be seen on these links:

You tube

Martin Heine and Tomoko Yamada putting Pippa Tandy's photographs up at Gallery Horikawa Kobe 2012

David Bromfield and Martin Heine discussing the hanging of the artwork at Gallery Horikawa Kobe 2012


adding coloured traces to Horio's performance

The ongoing engagement between Horio and the Western Australia's has continued through small and large galleries as evidenced in the above visit to Cynthia Ellis's solo exhibition and below with his works in the very successful  Harmony and Peace exhibition at Gallery Opera Labo Nishi Ku Kobe.

Gallery Opera Labo
Harmony and Peace exhibition
by artists from
Japan and Western Australia

Masters Japan
Unknown sumi e wall hanging early 18th Centaury
Ando Hiroshigie 1853 Woodblock Print, title; Famous Places in the Sixty add Provinces - Shimofusa Choishi no Hama (beach of Choshi)*

Masters Australia
Frank Norton (1916 -1983) Marine artist/official war artist*
Mac Betts (1932 – 2010) Landscape artist*

Martin Heine (1957 – 2014) Western Australian/ German*



Chiyu Uemae*
Ryoko Kumakura*
Sadaharu Horio
Shu TakaHashi*

The Wild Swans Art Group
Western Australia

Caspar Fairhall
Chelle Bourne
Cynthia Ellis
Connie Petrillo
Diokno Pasilan
Duncan Mckay
John Cullinane
Kevin Robertson
Lynne Norton
Michael Doherty
Peter Davidson

link to the Wild Swans Art Group from Western Australia

To Tomoko many thanks to them and how they've generously give there time to make these unique exhibitions over the last decade to come to fruition. Without Tomoko the translation of complex ideas may never have been communicated so well and my friends for helping me find Horio's performances around Kobe and Kyoto otherwise one may have never arrived.

Also to the many Gallerist/ Curators  who have generously given there advise it has been appreciated. 

The Next Exhibition

Yujo - A Friendship
 Gutai meets Western Australian Artists 
2 Dogs Art Space Akashi 
May 2017 
exact dates to be announced

Gutai artists

Chiyu Uemae
Sadaharu Horio

The Wild Swans Art Group 
Western Australia

Caspar Fairhall
Chelle Bourne
Cynthia Ellis
Connie Petrillo
Diokno Pasilan
Duncan Mckay
John Cullinane
Kevin Robertson
Lynne Norton
Michael Doherty
Peter Davidson

other artists from 
Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia (Sister States) that will be on exhibit 

Western Australia 

Ron Nyisztor
Shelly Cowper
 Melissa McDougall
Pippa Tandy