Wednesday 16 December 2015

More New Work by Lynne Norton for The Invitational Still Life Drawing Project

Lynne Norton continues her passion for painting flowers from her garden just as Claude Monet often did within his studio praxis.

If you wish to see Lynne's War artworks please click on the link to the Australian War Memorial;

Saturday 12 December 2015

Omomuki Painting Manifesto (Atmosphere) It’s not a theory but an attitude in painting

Artist: Peter Davidson

Title: Red Sun The Factories Done
oil on board
Size F10

When one goes to certain places in Japan there is an atmosphere that goes away from western theories and politics but the feeling which resonates from that terrain leaves a warm imprint on one’s nervous system, it’s like being released into a space of learning for the chimeras of western paintings theories no longer exist, this is not there area. Nor does it appear these theoretical painting chimeras could endure such a space for they seemed to have entered into a stagnated eternity of trench warfare between the politics of the left and right, never to grow or move forward into some form of happiness and my painting had no place anymore in that kind of terrain in Japan.


If western theory and politics were to no longer serve my painting, which they don’t, then why was I still driven to paint and why was one not only happy but compelled to paint motifs that gave me a warm feeling? And why was I still so interested in art histories great stories of painting that had been written by eastern and western scholars with such savvy and poetry, it would leave one with smile on their face from what was gleaned from there essays on painting and why now were these people apparently disappearing in a supposedly civilized times from places of learning?

Omomuki Painting

Omomuki Painting motifs can be anything one wants that leaves the artist with a warm feeling. For in Japan Omomuki can be felt whilst viewing the sea, mountains, farming areas, cities and it’s like a synthesis of learning, subtle beauty and civilization all meeting at once in silent radiance and generously giving its feeling to you, if one is receptive to it, this is now my painting space and to take that journey to one’s own uncharted calligraphic horizons in painting with the highest sensibility one can achieve.

This article was by Peter Davidson

Wednesday 9 December 2015

2 Dogs Art Space Akashi presents a small Xmas Drawing Exhibition by British Artist Paul Humphris

Drawing by Paul Humpris 2015

It is a pleasure to have the English Artist Paul Humphris 

small drawing exhibition 
at 2 Dogs Art Space - Akashi 

Drawings by Paul Humphris