Monday 30 November 2015

New Work by Lynne Norton for The Invitational Still Life Drawing Project

Lynne Norton 
Western Australian Artist

Image courtesy of the artist 
Lynne Norton hails from the northern suburbs of Perth, she is an accomplished artist being represented in public and private collections throughout Australia and internationally (Please see Australian War Memorial link). 

Image courtesy of the artist 

Flowers have long been a major motif for over thirty years within Lynne's artworks, to the point were she is almost driven to paint the hues that resonate from the petals throughout the various season within her garden, this is not unlike the French painter Claude Monet who also painted flowers with the same passion in analysing the colour relationships of the petals.

2 Dogs Art Space Akashi is pleased to show the artworks of Lynne in this Invitational Still Life Drawing Project, especially her still life of flowers that resonates a gentle mood of domestic bliss, and one is reasonably sure the Japanese audiences look forward to seeing more of her images as they're uploaded onto the site over the coming Xmas month. 

Link to Lynne's artwork at the Australian War Memorial

Sunday 22 November 2015

British Artist Paul Humphris visit.

The British artist Paul Humpris visited Peter Davidson's life painting and drawing exhibition and will be contributing to a forth coming show at 2 Dogs Art Space Akashi in the near future.

Paul also sat for a portrait drawing by Peter Davidson 
the result of how delay and with the influence of memory 
can be seen in the image below.

Peter Davidson series of drawings with the art critic Robert Hughe's idea; The Immortality of Drawing is ongoing 

It was an enjoyable day for both artists and we look forward to seeing Paul's artworks on show in future exhibitions

Sunday 15 November 2015

New Work by Cynthia Ellis The Invitational Still Life Drawing Project

Cynthia Ellis has been busy with the project in her studio
 please enjoy the new work.

Image courtesy of the artist 

Image courtesy of the artist 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

The Invitational Still Life Drawing Project 


2 Dogs Art Space Akashi 

(Via the Internet)

The Invitational Still Life Drawing Project will mostly consist of Western Australian Artists, The chosen artist will  then draw with any medium they want, that could be oil paint, sumi - e,  a fountain pen, or pencil,  a example of the project is below. 

The invitational drawing project hopes to show case Western Australian  artists to a wider audience in Japan and to other Asian countries, thank you for your patronage.  

The First Invited Artist to Exhibit in the Still Life Drawing Project 


Cynthia Ellis 


Western Australia

If you wish to view more of Cynthia's artworks and ideas here is a link to website